Bart Butterfield Memorial Grant Program
Bart Butterfield was the
manager of the Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System at the Idaho
Department of Fish and Game (IDFG). Bart worked for IDFG from 1992 to 2017.
Bart was active with the Northwest GIS User Group since 1991 when he
attended the NWGIS conference in Silverdale, WA.
Bart was first elected to the NWGIS Board of Directors in 2000, and served on the board until 2017. During his tenure he organized several conferences, served as the treasurer, and led the website committee. Bart had been dealing with challenging medical issues and passed away November 15th, 2017. Bart will be remembered not only for his many contributions in conservation GIS, wildlife conservation, data management and leadership, but also for his kindness, generosity, and friendship.
The Northwest GIS User Group honor’s Bart’s memory through the grant program.
About the Grant Program
The Northwest GIS User group operates a grant program available to GIS students and professionals in the Pacific Northwest. The grant must demonstrate a contribution to the GIS profession and directly, or indirectly, benefit the GIS community.
The Northwest GIS User Group has to maintain a minimum annual budget to cover ongoing and unexpected expenses. The board will temporarily suspend the grant program if/when that threshold is reached. Grants have to be approved by the board and can be refused for any reason.
Grant Request Format
Grant requestors need to provide the following:
1. Grant requestor name, agency they are representing, email, phone number, and mailing address.
2. Purpose of the grant with a brief description (not to exceed 500 words).
3. Benefits of grant. Include implications of not receiving the grant funds.
4. Include benefits to the Northwest GIS User group and/or GIS community at large.
5. Number of people impacted by grant.
6. Duration of grant.
7. Amount of money needed and how the money will be used.
8. Proposed fund distribution.
9. Grant deliverables.
10. Note all products derived from the grant, where feasible, will be publicly available
11. Proposed reimbursement method, including process to verify grant has been completed
12. Provide a disclaimer that the purpose of the grant is for the public good and all state and local laws will be followed.
13. Grant Sponsor (if known) – Who on the board is serving is presenting the grant.
1. The board will assign a grant sponsor if one has not been prearranged.
Grant requests need to be emailed to the board. A board member will be assigned as your sponsor who will then present the grant proposal at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.
Approval Process
All grant requests will be reviewed at a regularly scheduled Northwest GIS Board meetings. It is possible that after the initial review, additional information will be requested of the grant submitter. Grant submissions may take up to 60 days for review.
Reimbursement Process
In order to ensure that each approved grant request is completed as proposed, there will be a timeline and set of deliverable(s) associated with each grant. Once the timeline and deliverables have been met, then the grant recipient will be reimbursed. This is the preferred method, rather then provide grant funding prior to the completion of the process that is being requested. Invoices and Receipts have to be provided.
Grant Request Revisions
This grant program and requesting process is subject to revisions at the pleasure of the Northwest GIS User Group’s Board of Directors.